Health. Balance. Happiness.
My Qualifications
3 year Naturopathic Nutrition Diploma from the College of Naturopathic Medicine, including 1 year of biochemical medicine.
Registered with the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT).
I regularly undertake additional training and am a member of Practice with Confidence, run by a pharmacist, to ensure I am practicing safely when recommending supplements.
I’ve been where you are
My own health journey began with chronic headaches and digestive issues. My GP ran tests and couldn’t find anything wrong with me and eventually gave me an umbrella diagnosis of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
Despite being given medication that alleviated the digestive issues, the headaches persisted & started to impact my day to day life.
I was frustrated with being told everything was normal when I did not feel well.
I began researching & sought the help of a Nutritional Therapist as a last resort. The Nutritional Therapist quickly highlighted numerous aspects of my life that could be contributing to my symptoms & suddenly I felt empowered with the knowledge I had been looking for! I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly my health improved after making changes to my diet & lifestyle.
I felt really passionate about the impact it had on my life that I went on to study a 3 year course of Naturopathic Nutrition at The College of Naturopathic Medicine so that I could empower others to take control of their health, just as I had done with mine.
How can Nutritional Therapy help you
“I was at a low point in my life where my skin condition was taking over and I couldn’t see any other way out. Charlotte took her time and we had a very in depth consultation where she covered all aspects of my life so she had the best knowledge of what it could be… Within no time my skin condition cleared up… I feel more confident in myself and not so self conscious!!”
Amy, 27
“The results spoke for themselves... I thank Charlotte for the help and support she gave and for achieving the weight loss that I had struggled with for so long. I would happily recommend Charlotte to anyone who might need help to look at their nutritional plans and possible lifestyle and dietary changes to help achieve their goals as it clearly worked for me.”
Pete, 55

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